wellness hub

a shout out to carers – National Carer’s Week 15th – 21st October

When a yoga instructor asks me to consider what I’m grateful for at the conclusion of our practice, I often think how lucky I am to have happy and healthy family and friends, who support me and give me the freedom to do and be me. Ofcourse, I’m there whenever they need me, and they know that, but we it’s this week in particular, that I truly think how lucky I am for my freedom, my wellness practices each week, my health. Some people, don’t have that same independence, and they would be the last to complain about it, but in the spirit of National Carers Week, I’d like to give a shout out to full time and part time carers out there who selflessly give up their time caring for a loved one.

There are over 2.7 million family and friend carers in Australia providing 36 million hours of care and support every week to a family or friend who has a disability, mental illness, drug and/or alcohol dependency, chronic condition, terminal illness or is frail. What a contribution they do make, and how selfless they are whilst making that contribution!  (statistic from carersnsw.org.au) Not only do they take pressure off our healthcare systems, they save the country a lot of money in doing so as well!

Being someone’s carer, can be emotionally taxing and physically draining. In fact, Carers have the lowest wellbeing of any large group measured by the Australian Unity Wellbeing index.  Carers often ignore their own health, and are chronically tired, often with interrupted nights sleep.

Carer’s Victoria, and the other assocations in respective states, work together to try to reduce the health implications on carers that occur due to the toll of caring for someone else with a chronic health condition.  They represent their voice, advocating to improve the lives of caring families throughout their state.

This week, we’re offering a Yoga Fundamentals Workshop on Tuesday night with all of the cover charge being donated to Carer’s Victoria.  Join us not only to learn something new about your yoga practice, but for the great cause we’re donating too as well.

If you can’t make it, but would like to donate, visit Carer’s VIC website here: https://www.givenow.com.au/supportvictorianyoungcarers

